основные публикации
- "Sufun Rusiya fi al-Khalidj al-'Arabi. 1899-1903. Mawad min
Arshif ad-Daula al-Markazi li-l-Ustul al-Bahri al-Harbi". Dar
al-Taqaddum. Musku, 1990.
- "Russian Ships in the Gulf. 1899-1903. Material from the State
Central Navy Archive". Progress Publishers. Moscow, 1990 (175
- "Russian Ships in the Gulf. 1899-1903". London, 1994 (enlarged
and revised English edition, 165 pp.). Revues: Michael A. Palmer
- The Northern Mariner, Vol. IV, No. 4, October 1994, pp. 82-3.
Anonymous - Middle East Quarterly, March 1995, p. 85.
- "Hadjdj qabla mi'a sana. Rihla Sirriya li-l-Dabit Rusi 'Abd
al-Aziz Davletshin ila-l-Macca, 1898". Beyrouth, 1994. "Hadjdj
Century Ago: Secret Mission of Russian Officer 'Abd al-Aziz
Davletshin to Macca, 1898". Beyrouth, 1994. (Arabic, 380 typed
- "Koran". Perevod i kommentariy D.N. Boguslavskogo. Publikatziya
E.A. Rezvana pri uchastii A.N. Weirauha. Predislovie i stat'a
"Istoriya Korana i ego izhucheniya". E.A. Rezvana. St. Petersburg,
1995. "Qur'an". Translated by D.N. Boguslavsky. Publication
of the manuscript together with A.N. Weirauh introduction and
essay "History of the Qur'an and Qur'anic Studies" (100 typed
pages, pp. 517-42.). St. Petersburg, 1995.
- "Al-Hisan al-'Arabi fi Rusiya" ("Arabic Horse in Russia")
Dubai, 2000 (in Arabic).
- "The Qur'an and Its World" (about 500 typed pages, in English,
in preparation).
- "Al-Qur'an al-karim fi Rusiya" ("The Holy Qur'an in Russia"),
Dubai 2000 (in Arabic).
CD-ROM Publications:
- "Asiatic Museum. Treasures from St. Petersburg Academic Collection
of Oriental Manuscripts (CD-ROM Series)". Issue No. 4. (One
of the most important Qur'anic MSS in the world, dated to the
first half of the 8th century AD. 81 large parchment folios
in Hijazi script contain about 40% of the text of the Qur'an
(full texts of 22 suras and fragments of another 22).
- "Asiatic Museum. Treasures from St. Petersburg Academic Collection
of Oriental Manuscripts (CD-ROM Series)". Issue No. 7. (A richly
illustrated fifteenth-century manuscript containing the Mamluk
treatise "Kitab al-makhzun fi jami' al-funun" by Ibn Abi Khazzam
al-Khuttali (together with Dr. Alikber Alikberov).
- Author and Co-ordinator of the project "Asiatic Museum. Treasures
from St. Petersburg Academic Collection of Oriental Manuscripts"
(CD-ROM Series).
Book Sections:
- Koran i koranistika. - "Programma spetskursa "Vvedenie v islamovedenie"
(dlia studentov Vostochnih fakul'tetov universitetov)" - Narodi
Azii i Afriki, 3, 1989, ss. 108-12. Qur'an and Qur'anic Studies
- "The Program of the course "Introduction to Islamic Studies"
(for the students of Oriental faculties of Soviet Universities)",
in "Narodi Azii i Afriki" 3, 1989, pp. 108-12 (17 typed pages,
in Russian).
- "Islam. Entsiklopedicheskiy Spravochnik". Pod redaktsiey M.B.
Piotrovskogo i S.M. Prozorova. Nauka. Moskva, 1990 (stat'i po
Koranu i islamskomu ritualu). More then 50 articles on Qur'an
and Muslim ritual (about 200 typed pages), in: "Islam. Shorter
Encyclopaedia". Ed. M.B. Piotrovsky and S.M. Prozorov. Nauka.
Moscow, 1990.
- Koran i Koranistika. - "Islam. Istoriograficheskie ocherki".
Red. S.M. Prozorov. Nauka. Moskva, 1991, ss. 7-84. Qur'an and
Qur'anic Studies, in: "Islam. Essays in Historiography". Ed.
S.M. Prozorov. Nauka. Moscow, 1991, pp. 7-84 (200 typed pages).
- Koran i ego tolkovaniya. - "Hrestomatiya po Islamu". Red.
S.M. Prozorov. Nauka. Moskva, 1993. Qur'an and its exegesis,
in: "Textbook for Islamic Studies". Ed. S.M. Prozorov. Nauka.
Moscow, 1993 (120 typed pages).
- The Triumph of the Qalam (together with O. Akimushkin and
A. Khalidov) - Pages of Perfection. Islamic Paintings and Calligraphy
from the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Milano,
1995, pp. 35-76 (Same in French, German and Italian Editions).
- The First Qur'ans - Pages of Perfection. Islamic Paintings
and Calligraphy from the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg,
Milano, 1995, pp. 108-17 (Same in French, German and Italian
- Qur'ans Made on Commission - Pages of Perfection. Islamic
Paintings and Calligraphy from the Russian Academy of Sciences,
St. Petersburg, Milano, 1995, pp. 301-13 (Same in French, German
and Italian Editions).
- Catalogue descriptions Nos. 5, 6, 27, 34, 55 - Pages of Perfection.
Islamic Paintings and Calligraphy from the Russian Academy of
Sciences, St. Petersburg, Milano, 1995 (Same in French, German
and Italian Editions).
- Koran i doislamskaya kul'tura (problema metodiki izucheniya).
- "Islam. Religiya, obschestvo, gosudarstvo". Red. P.A. Gryaznevitch
and S.M. Prozorov. Nauka. Moskva, 1984, ss. 44-58. Qur'an and
Pre-Islamic Culture (Some Methodological Problems), in: "Islam.
Religion, State, Society". Ed. P.A. Gryaznevitch and S.M. Prozorov.
Nauka. Moscow, 1984, pp. 44-58 (25 typed pages, in Russian).
- Adam i banu Adam v Korane (k istorii ponyatiy "perwochelowek"
i "chelovechestvo". - ibid., ss. 59-68. Adam and banu Adam in
the Qur'an (on the history of the notions "first man" and "mankind",
in: ibid., pp. 59-68 (18 typed pages, in Russian).
- Termin djibill (djibillah) v Korane. - Palestinskiy Sbornik.
28/98, Leningrad, 1986, ss. 43-5. The Term Djibill (djibillah)
in the Qur'an, in ibid., pp. 43-5 (7 typed pages, in Russian).
- Issledovaniya po terminologii Korana: sura; 'abd ('abid, 'ibad)[Allah];
umma - 16:121/120. - "Problemi arabskoy kul'turi. Pamiat'i akademika
Ignatiya Yulianovicha Krachkovskogo". Nauka. Moskva, 1987, ss.
219-31. Studies in Qur'anic Terminilogy: Sura; 'abd ('abid,
'ibad)[Allah]; Umma - 16:120/121, in: "Problems of the Arabic
Culture". Fest. I.Yu. Krachkovsky. Nauka. Moscow, 1987, pp.
219-31 (28 typed pages, in Russian).
- Termin daradja v Korane (k probleme sotsial'noy stratificatcii
obschestva osedlih tsentrov Vnutrenney Aravii na rubeje VI-VII
vv.). - "Sotsial'no-politicheskiye predstavleniya v islame:
istoriya i sovremennost'". Red. I.M. Smilyanskaya. Nauka. Moskva,
1987, ss. 69-80. Daraja in the Qur'an (on Settled Centres' Social
Stratification in Inner Arabia at the Turn of the 7th AD), in:
"Socio-Political Ideas in Islam Yesterday and Today". Ed. I.M.
Smilyanskaya. Nauka. Moscow, pp. 69-80 (20 typed pages, in Russian).
- Eticheskiye predstavleniya i etiket v Korane. - "Etiket u
narodov Peredney Azii". Red. A.K. Baiburin and A.M. Reshetov.
Nauka. Moskva, 1988, ss. 38-59. Ethical Notions and Etiquette
in the Qur'an, in: "Ethiquette of the Peoples of Near East".
Eds. A.K. Baiburin and A.M. Reshetov. Nauka, Moscow, 1988, pp.
38-59 (nearly 40 typed pages, in Russian).
- Prorocheskoye otkroveniye i religioznoiye vdohnoveniye v Islame.
-"Traditsionnoye mirovozzrenie narodov Peredney Azii" Red. M.A.
Rodionov. Nauka. Moskva, 1992, ss. 20-33. The Prophetic Revelation
and Religious Inspiration in Islam, in: "Traditional Outlook
of the Peoples of Near East". Ed. M.A. Rodionov. Nauka. Moscow,
1992, pp. 20-33.
- Musul'manskie kollektzii Rossii - Sankt-Peterburgskiy Filial
Instituta Vostokovedeniya. - Islam v Rossii i Sredney Azii (Sostaviteli
I. Yermakov i D. Mikul'skiy). Moskva, 1993, ss. 47-9.Muslim
Collections of Russia - St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute
of Oriental Studies, in "Islam in Russia and the Middle Asia"
(Comp. by I. Yermakov and D. Mikul'skiy). Moscow, 1993, pp.
- Islam na territorii bivshey Rossiyskoy Imperii (sovmestno
s S.M. Prozorovim and A.K. Alikberovim) - Vostok/Oriens, 3,
1994, ss. 145-8. Islam on the Territory of the Former Russian
Empire (together with S.M. Prozorov and A.K. Alikberov), in
Vostok/Oriens, 3, 1994, pp. 145-8.
- Ibn Abi Khazzam and his "Kitab al-Makhzun": The Mamluk Military
Manual (together with A. Alikberov), in "Manuscripta Orientalia"
1/1, 1995, pp. 21-8.
- Asiatic Museum Project: 1. Data-base on Muslim Seals (together
with Val.V. Polosin), in "Manuscripta Orientalia" 1/1, 1995,
pp. 53-5.
- 'Adja'ib al-Makhluqat by Zakariya' al-Qazwini (d. 682/1283)
16th century Illuminated Manuscript from the St. Petersburg
Academic Collection, in "Manuscripta Orientalia" 1/1, 1995,
pp. 56-68.
- The Qur'an between textus receptus and critical edition,
in "Les problemes poses par l'editions critique des textes anciens
et medievaux". Louvain-la-Neuve, 1992, pp. 291-310.
- The Qur'an and its world: I. The Problem of Reconstructing
of the Ancient Arabian Cosmogonic and Anthropogenetic Lore,
in "Manuscripta Orientalia" II/4, 1996, pp. 30-4.
- New Tool for the Analysis of Handwritten Script (together
with N. Kondybayev), in "Manuscripta Orientalia" II/3, 1996,
pp. 43-3.
- ITISALAT Discussion of CD-ROM Protection/Piracy Problem (together
with P. Roochnik ), in "Manuscripta Orientalia" II/4, pp. 56-61.
- The Qur'an and its world: II. The Miracle of the Book (The
Qur'an and pre-islamic literature), in "Manuscripta Orientalia"
III/1, 1997, pp 25-33.
- The Qur'an and its word: III. "Echoings of Universal Harmonies"
(Prophetic Revelation, Religious Inspiration, Occult Practice),
in "Manuscripta Orientalia" III/3, 1997, pp. 11-21.
- The Qur'an and its word: IV. "Raise Not Your Voices Above
the Prophet's Voice" (Society, Power and Etiquette Norms), in
"Manuscripta Orientalia" III/4, 1997, pp. 35-44.
- Daraja in the Qur'an. Social Stratification of the Settled
Population in Inner Arabia at the turn of the 7th century AD,
in "Proceedings of the 17th Congress of Union Europeene des
Arabisants et Islamisants". St. Petersburg, 1997, pp. 229-39.
- To the CD-ROM publication of the Arabic Bible from St. Petersburg
(together with Val. Polosin), in "Manuscripta Orientalia" III/1,
1997, pp. 40-7.
- The Qur'an and its word: V. Language, the Unconscious and
the "Real World", in "Manuscripta Orientalia" IV/1, 1998, pp.
- Qur'an in the Twenty-first Century - Islam and the Integration
of Diversity, in "The Journal of Oriental Studies" Vol. 37,
No 1, 1998, pp. 165-80 (in Japanese).
- The Qur'an and its word: VI. Emergence of the Canon: the Struggle
for Uniformity, in "Manuscripta Orientalia" IV/2, 1998, pp.
- The Qur'an and its word: VII. Talisman, Shield and Sword,
"Manuscripta Orientalia" IV/3, 1998, pp. 24-34.
- The Qur'an and its word: VIII/1. Contra legem Saracenorum:
the Qur'a\n in Western Europe, in "Manuscripta Orientalia" IV/4,
1998, pp. 41-51.
- The Qur'an and its word: VIII/2. West-Ostlichen Divans: the
Qur'an in Russia, in "Manuscripta Orientalia" V/1, 1998, pp.
- Pobratimstvo v Korane (ot krovno-rodstvennogo kollektiva k
religiozno politicheskomu soobschestvu). - Pis'mennie Pamiatniki
i problemi istorii kul'turi narodov Vostoka. Godichnaya sessia
LO IV AN SSSR. Tezisi dokladov i soobscheniy. Chast' 1. Nauka.
Moskva, 1982, ss. 194-9. Fraternization in the Qur'an (from
kinsfolk to religious-political association), in: "Written Sources
and the Problems of Cultural History of the Peoples of the East".
Institute of Oriental Studies papers and presentations. Nauka.
Moscow, 1982, Part 1, pp. 194-9 (7 typed pages, in Russian).
- Termin shi'a v Korane (k istorii poniyatiy "sekta", "religiozno-politicheskaya
gruppirovka"). - ibid.,: ss. 200-6. The Term Shi'a in the Qur'an,
in: ibid.,: pp. 200-6 (8 typed pages, in Russian).
- Koran kak istochnik po etnicheskoy istorii Aravii. - Vsesoyuznaya
konferentsia po problemam arabskoy kul'turi pamiati akademika
I.Yu. Krachkovskogo. Tezisi dokladov i soobsheniy. Nauka, Moskva,
1983, ss. 45-7. Qur'an as a Source for the Ethnical History
of Arabia, in: "All-Union Conference on the Problems of Arabic
Culture, dedicated to the Memory of I.Yu. Krachkovsky". Papers
and Presentations. Nauka. Moscow, 1983, pp. 45-7 (6 typed pages,
in Russian).
- Religiozno-sotsial'naya situatsiya v Aravii na rubeje VI-VII
vv. i ee otrajenie v Korane. - "Nauchnaya konferentsia "obschestvennie
dvijeniya i ih ideologia v dokapitalisticheskih obschestvah
Azii". Tezisi dokladov i soobscheniy". Nauka. Moskva, 1985,
ss. 82-7. On the Religious-Social Situation in Arabia at the
Turn of the 7th century AD and its reflections in the Qur'an,
in: "Scientific Conference "Social Movements and its Ideology
in Pre-Capitalist Asia". Papers and Presentations". Nauka. Moskow,
1985, pp. 82-7 (7 typed pages, in Russian).
- Etnicheskaya istoriya Aravii i Koran. - "Problemi sovremennoy
sovetskoy arabistiki. II. Problemi istorii i filosofii". Erevan,
1990, ss. 97-104. Ethnical History of Arabia and the Qur'an,
in "Problems of Modern Soviet Arabic Studies. II. Problems of
History and Philosophy". Erevan, 1990, pp. 97-104.
- Computer Methods in Qur'anic Studies. Presented to the 2nd
Conference on Bilingual Computing in Arabic and English. University
of Cambridge, 1990 (9 typed pages, in English).
- The Database on Early Qur'an MSS: new approach to the text
history reconstruction. Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on
Bilingual Computing in Arabic and English. (Durham, 1992, 3.3.1
- 3.3.18).
- Archival Material on Arabia and Gulf Region in Russia - Seminar
on the history of relations between Russia and Arabia and Gulf
States (Bahrain, 1997).
- Russian Reports (1898-1904) as a Source on the History of
Arabia and Gulf Region. Conference on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
100 years (Riyadh, 1999).
- And many others.
- Approaches to the History of the Interpretation of the Qur'an.
Ed. A. Rippin. Clarendon Press. Oxford, 1988. - Narodi Azii
i Afriki, 3, 1990, pp. 175-82. (20 typed pages, in Russian).
- A. Rippin "Muslims. Their Religious Beliefs and Practices".
Vol. I. "The Formative Period". Routledge. L and NY, 1990. -
Vostok/Oriens, 1992 (10 typed pages, in Russian).
- Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts in SS Cyril and Methodius
National Library, Sofia, Bulgaria. Hadith Sciences. Comp. by
St. Kenderova. London: al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation,
1995 (together with F. Abdullaeva), in "Manuscripta Orientalia"
II/2, 1996, pp. 64-5.
- Manuscripts from the Himalayas and the Indian Subcontinent.
Catalogue 17. Sam Fogg Rare Books. Catalogue by Sam Fogg and
Bobb Miller. London: Cumbria, 1996 (together with M. Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya),
in "Manuscripta Orientalia" II/2, 1996, pp. 65-6.
- And many others.
- Al-Qari al-Ali. Arabic-English OCR. Sakhr. Cairo, 1994 (together
with the group of programmers). ENTRAP (together with N. Kondybayev),
in preparation.