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Фотография, 12 Кб.

Victoria K.Shivlyanova, Ph.D.
Ethnomusicologist Diploma (1979) Elista, musical college, USSR M.S.(1985) Astrakhan conservatory, Department of musical theory Ph.D.(1998) Institute of History of Arts Russian Academy of Sciences.
Thesis title: The musical traditions of "Jangar": Kalmyk Epos in the general-oirat context.
Since 1985 to 1998 worked in the sector of folk-lore and "Jangar" in the Kalmyk Institute of History, Philology and Economy.
In the course of 1988-1990 worked on probation in the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinsky Dom) Russian Academy of Sciences.
Since 1999 - researcher in the Gramophone record collection in the Saint-Petersburg's Brauch of Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences.
Research interest - the problem of the study of the earliest cylinders of Orient people's musical folk-lore. They are dated by the end of the past century. In my opinion they are an important source for research of the processes, which took place in traditional folk-lore during last century. At present I am busy with the catalogue raisonne of all records from Phonogrammarchiv of Pushkinsky Dom, which concerns the folk-lore of turkish-mongolian peoples of Central Asia and South Siberia. The object of my work is the transcription of five-line notation and preparing of the publication of the rarely patterns of turkish-mongolian folk-lore for bring them into research practice.


  • To the problem of traditional intoning of Kalmyk heroic epos "Jangar" // V International Congress of mongolists (Ulaanbaator, september 1987). Paper of soviet delegations. III - Archaeology, culture, ethnology, philology. M., 1987. P.157-165.
  • To the problem of study performance traditions of Kalmyk epos "Jangar" // Music of epos. Papers and materials. Ioshkar-Ola, 1989. P. 147-157.
  • Music of "Jangar". Anthology of epic tunes. Elista, 1990. 104 p.
  • Cylinders collection of B.Ia.Vladimirtsov in the Pushkinsky Dom // Mongolica - III: From the archives of natives mongolists XIX - beginning XX centuries. Composed by I.V.Kulganek. SPb., 1994. P. 86-88.
  • The musical traditions of "Jangar": Kalmyk epos in the general-oirat context. Autopaper of thesis. SPb., 1997.
  • A.M.Listopadov. Kalmyk songs, taked down in the Denisov's Cossack village of Salsky district in november 1902 // From the History of Russian folkloristics. Vol. 4-5. SPb., 1998. P.541-560.
  • To the Problem of Historical typology of "Jangar" music. Paper for the 42-nd PIAC. Conference in Prague (in print).




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